Thursday, 8 March 2012


ENTRY 1.1  (post site visit -week 2). 

This was an individual site visit as I am currently studying part time and DAB525 was completed last year.

From memory - on arriving at the site last year, I didn't take much notice as I wasn't fully aware of what the design subject was about so I discounted looking into the site any further at that stage.  I do remember standing under the bridge and feeling a little uninterested - possibly due to exhaustion and partly due to the swarm of then DAB510 students fighting for a view of the site.
This time I visited the site, not as a final destination and completion of a long walkshop but as a focus on a potential site for our team's folie. 

First I drove to the area where the walkshop had come to a holt last year.  Only a few cars were parked outside the fence barriers.  I stopped to contemplate the huge structure that is the Story Bridge, and the shadow it cast over the rivers edge. 

This area seems as though it had been forgotton about, while the rest of the adjacent areas soldiered forward with development. 

residential towers adjacent
I turned to see the old war bunkers and looked further on to see the huge
residential towers that sit adjacent to the site.... it seemed like two very
different worlds coexisted here - all the while sharing a couple of common elements the river and the great Story Bridge.
View of the Brisbane River from ground level.

After taking some pictures I decided that if I was going to get a good view of this site, I would have to either go to higher ground or get onto a city cat. 
I opted to go to higher ground and after taking a wrong turn or two, I found myself  outside stuartholme where I parked and headed under the story bridge by foot.

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